What is a periodic tenancy?
A periodic tenancy is a tenancy that continues until either the landlord or you as the tenant gives written notice for the tenancy to end.
The positive of this tenancy is that you’re not stuck with a tenancy, but at the same time, the landlord can also kick you out with legal notice.
Landlords can end periodic tenancies with 90 days’ notice without needing to provide a reason, provided no other notice has been issued. This rule applies to both new and existing tenancies.
Landlords can issue 42 days’ notice under specific circumstances:
- The owner or their family member requires the property as their main residence for at least 90 days.
- The property is sold with a requirement for vacant possession.
- The property is required for employees or contractors as outlined in the tenancy agreement.
Meanwhile, tenants can end their periodic tenancy with 21 days’ notice at any time.
If a notice had been issued prior to 30 January 2025 by either party, that notice remains valid and cannot be replaced with a different notice period by that party.
Additionally, landlords cannot give notice to end a periodic tenancies in retaliation to the tenants exercising their rights (for example, requiring maintenance from their landlord, or in retaliation to any person or organisation (for example, Tenancy Services) exercising a legal power against the landlord. If landlords do, tenants can apply to the Tenancy Tribunal within 12 months of the notice being issued to have it confirmed as retaliatory and declared unlawful. The notice might then be set aside, and exemplary damages be awarded against the landlord. If the tenant applies within 28 working days of the notice being issued, they can also request that it be cancelled.