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Here are some Resources, Submissions and Projects available to download and use.

There are additional resources available on the Community Law website



The Education Act 1989 has recently been repealed and replaced by the Education and Training Act 2020 (see  YouthLaw is in the process of updating this page to reflect the new law. Please be aware that the law, as stated on this webpage, may not be current. If you need advice please email or call us and leave a voice-message at 0800 884 529.

The following leaflets are available for download:

School Disciplinary Procedures: Stand-downs, Suspensions, Exclusions and Expulsions. A guide for parents and supporters of young people

A4 foldable brochure. 444kB

Rights at School - A guide for parents and supporters of young people

A4 foldable brochure. 746kB

Special Education - The rights of young people with learning support needs. A guide for parents and supporters of young people

A4 foldable brochure. 472kB

Bullying at School - Victims of bullying, school’s role, complaints process, and police involvement. A guide for parents and supporters of young people

A4 foldable brochure. 601kB

Cyberbullying - The rights of young people with cyberbullying, the school’s role, and bullying on social media. A guide for parents and supporters of young people

A4 foldable brochure. 603kB

Searches at School - Guidelines and Protections under the Education Act 1989. A guide for parents and supporters of young people

A4 foldable brochure. 549kB


Youth Law 101: Rights Education Toolkit

The Education Act 1989 has recently been repealed and replaced by the Education and Training Act 2020 (see  YouthLaw is in the process of updating this page to reflect the new law. Please be aware that the law, as stated on this webpage, may not be current. If you need advice please email or call us and leave a voice-message at 0800 884 529.


YouthLaw has developed Youth Law 101: Rights Education Toolkit which is a series of interactive, short and relevant workshops for school leaders (year 13 prefects, head of house etc.) to deliver to students year 10 to year 13.  You can download content from here or contact us for the hard copy version with the video DVD.

  1. Introduction
  3. Discrimination
  4. Street Law
  5. Your Rights and Police Searches
  6. The low down on lawyers


This is the video that goes with the Toolkit.

Research Publications

Research reports

Barriers to Education in New Zealand: The Rise of Informal Removals of Students in New Zealand,
Jen Walsh, 2016

This research examines barriers to inclusive education in New Zealand. Inclusive education refers to the ability of students to access and gain the benefits of a right to education. Our research aimed to gain a snapshot of student experiences in order to assess whether barriers to inclusive education existed in New Zealand. In particular, we sought to investigate the phenomena known as “kiwi suspension” or illegal suspensions where students are covertly encouraged to withdraw from school. One of our primary goals was to provide a basis to indicate where there may be need for further research to assess the scale and frequency of any identified barriers to education. A secondary goal was to assess our findings and propose potential ameliorative law reform.

Download available here.


Challenging The Barriers: Ensuring Access To Education For Children With Special Educational Needs,

Kenton Starr and Naushyn Janah, 2016

The 2013 Statistics New Zealand Disability Survey found that around 24% of children with disabilities have an unmet need for help with their schoolwork in class, about 13% have an unmet need for special equipment to help with their learning and about 28% have an unmet need for adapted classroom materials. The survey also found that because of their disability – around 20% of children with a disability have had their schooling interrupted for a long period of time, 11% have had to change schools, 3% have had to live away from home to go to school, and 19% have difficulty attending school for the whole day.

This research analyses the main barriers to education for children with special educational needs and makes a number of recommendations for change.


Out of School Out of Mind – The Need for an Independent Education Review Tribunal

YouthLaw 2012

In any given year, YouthLaw provides advice on a daily basis to young people and their parents with regards to a number of education-related issues, the majority of which concern decisions by schools to stand-down, suspend, exclude or expel students.
For principals, the use of these measures is understandably seen as a necessary means by which the safety of staff and other students can be ensured. For affected students, however, the use of these measures can cause significant disruption to their academic progress, limiting future career opportunities and increasing their propensity for anti-social behaviour. An unwanted burden is not only placed on these students and their families, but also wider society through the need for increased expenditure in health, education and welfare sectors. In light of such concerns, the need for principals and boards of trustees to get it right when decisions are being made about a young person’s ongoing education is profound.
Yet despite the gravity of the issues at stake, the current disciplinary regime affords students and parents very few opportunities for recourse. A decision by a principal to stand-down or suspend, or a board of trustees to exclude or expel is effectively final, with no direct right of appeal or challenge. To attain even a modicum of justice, parents and students must rely upon a patchwork of legal and quasi-legal mechanisms which can be time-consuming, costly, and provide little in the way of actual remedy.
The process differs markedly from that seen in England where, following an adverse determination from a school board, parents and students have the right to take the matter further to an Independent Appeal Panel. The Panel provides an impartial forum in which both the substance and the procedural propriety of school disciplinary orders can be challenged, with the authority to order the direct reinstatement of students. The implementation of a similar panel in New Zealand would, we believe, preserve the flexibility of a broad discretionary power held by principals under the current disciplinary regime, whilst also ensuring that students in the most serious of cases will be able to fully realise their right to natural justice.

Download available Out of School Out of Mind (web)

Barriers to Education in New Zealand: The Rise of Informal Removals of Students in New Zealand, Jen Walsh, 2016

20.7MB, available from link above.

Challenging The Barriers: Ensuring Access To Education For Children With Special Educational Needs, Kenton Starr and Naushyn Janah, 2016

PDF, 1.1MB

Out of School Out of Mind – The Need for an Independent Education Review Tribunal

2.35MB, available from link above

Out of School Out of Mind - Summary

PDF 857kB



These are the recent submissions we have made:

Submission to the Social Services Committee on the Oranga Tamariki (Responding to Serious Youth Offending) Amendment Bill 2024

Submission to Justice Committee on the Principles of the Treaty of Waitangi Bill 2024

Submission to the Social Services and Community Committee on the Oranga Tamariki Amendment Bill (Repeal of Section 7AA), 2024

Submission to the Privacy Commission on Children's and Young Person's privacy 2023

Submission to the Justice Committee on Ram Raid Offending and Related Measures Amendment Bill 2023

Submission to the Justice Committee regarding Electoral (Lowering Voting Age for Local Elections and Polls) Legislation Bill 2023

Submission on Employment Relations (Restraint of Trade) Amendment Bill 2023


Submission to the Independent Electoral Review 2022 regarding the voting age

Consultation on Gender Registration Processes, Te Tari Taiwhenua -Department of Internal Affairs 2022.

Adoption Law Reform Submission to Ministry of Justice, 2022

Oversight of Oranga Tamariki System and Children and Young People's Commission Bill 2022

Consultation on MOE Draft Rule and Guidelines on Physical Restraints 2022

Education and Training Amendment Bill (No 2) Submission 2022

Crimes (Child Exploitation Offences) Amendment Bill Submission 2021

Te oranga me te haumaru ākonga: Wellbeing and safety for tertiary domestic and international learners submission 2021

Submission on Social Security (Financial Assistance for Caregivers) Amendment Bill 2021

Submission on the Harmful Digital Communications (Unauthorised Posting of Intimate Visual Recording) Amendment Bill 2021

Submission for MBIE Consultation on Bullying and Harassment at Work 2021

Submission on Family Court (Supporting Children in Court) Legislation Bill 2021.

Submission on the Oranga Tamariki (Youth Justice Demerit Points) Amendment Bill 2021

Submission on Improving Access to Civil Justice 2020

Submission on the Education and Training Bill 2020

Submission regarding the Use of DNA in Criminal Investigations 2019

Submission to the Tomorrow's Schools Taskforce 2019

Submission to the Independent Panel on the Family Justice System 2019

Submission to Te Uepū Hāpai i te Ora - The Safe and Effective Justice Advisory Group 2019

Submission on the Child and Youth Wellbeing Strategy 2018

Submission to the Inquiry into the education of children with special needs 2015

PDF 432kB

Submission to the Constitution Advisory Panel 2013


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