What are some common legal words used in Court?
Act (Statute) – Acts are the laws that govern NZ. e.g. Human Rights Act = the law on human rights.
Adjourn – If a hearing is “adjourned”, it means it is postponed to a later date.
Affidavit – A written statement sworn or affirmed in front a JP (Justice of the Peace) or a lawyer. This is usually used as evidence in court.
Appeal – When a higher court reconsiders the decision of a lower court when one of the sides formally requests for it.
Appellant – Person who is appealing.
Applicant – Person who makes the application to the court, usually seen in civil and family cases.
Crown – The government.
Defendant – Person who is defending the application – in a criminal case, that’s usually the person accused of the crime.
Prosecution – Person presenting the case against a criminal defendant, usually this will be the police or a lawyer representing the police.
Verdict – Decision made at the end of trial about whether the accused is guilty or not guilty.